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What do I need in my pet’s first aid kit?

Being prepared for an unfortunate accident can save your pet's life! We'll take you through how to put together your pet's first aid kit.

A vector illustration on a large rectangle of an Atomic Tangerine, paper-textured cross, on a night snow blue paper-textured background, where Violet, a medium-sized cat with white fur and only her left eye; Her left ear and tail are aubergine, is sitting on the right, looking down with her eye open and her tail slightly up and wavy, facing left to the cross shape.

Be prepared for an emergency before it happens. Set up for success!

A pet first aid kit is similar to a standard one but with extra valuable items. Regularly update your pet's first aid kit (check product validity and replenish stock) and emergency contact information. Check with your veterinarian if there is some medication you can include, especially for chronic diseases.

You should have medication, medical supplies, and equipment to assemble your pet's first aid kit. Restraint items may also be helpful.

You can also include a photo of your pet, their vital signs form, and an emergency contact form in your kit.

That’s it!
 Stay tuned for our next blog post. Thank you for reading!

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  1. Shojai, Amy D. (2001). The First Aid Pet Companion for Dogs & Cats. Rodale.
  2. Monteiro, Melanie. (2009). The Safe Dog Handbook. A Complete Guide to Protecting Your Pooch, Indoors and Out. Quarry Books.
  3. Wimpole, Dr. Justin (2005).First Aid for dogs. New Holland Publishers.
  4. Dogsafe Canine First Aid (2006). Dogsafe: Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know in an Emergency. Dogsafe Canine First Aid.

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